As a newbie working in the world of energy, I have had a steep learning curve working at pGrid...
pGrid is now Tranzparent
Delighted to announce that we have renamed pGrid Limited as Tranzparent Limited.
We see transparency as the key purpose of our forthcoming app launch, providing a transparent way to become fully engaged with the plans and pathways being discussed to achieve Net Zero. Transparency is key as the changes needed to reach these new carbon targets are not trivial, involving most parts of society in some way. Future energy markets can feel remote, someone else's problem, in our view they are central to the effort to decarbonise energy and energy represents about 75% of the Net Zero challenge.
We do not produce new pathways our app simply lays out the pathways being proposed by others, National Grid Future Energy Scenarios, The Climate Change Committee, NGO's , international energy institutions, interest groups, and political parties. There is no shortage of pathways being proposed, there is a complete lack of detail as to how these pathways might work in practice and how much they are likely to cost.
We have a new logo to convey the transparent aims and the net zero target and of course we have 'NZ' in the name itself.